October 2016

  • By admin 21st Oct, 2016
    Where is the Auckland housing market heading in 2017?

    Auckland Housing Market - Is It Changing?

    With interest rates still at historical low levels and record net immigration of 70,000 this year it is hard to believe that the housing market in the City of Sails is nearing the end of it’s cyclical Bull market. Since the last cyclical pick peak in mid-2007, Auckland house prices have increased by a staggering 80%. It was the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) that put an end to the party of free credit infused housing bubble. It has been almost 10 years since the last downturn, and historical data on house price inflation movements, poi...
  • By admin 20th Oct, 2016
    private house sales How to in Auckland New Zealand

    Private House Selling In Auckland

    Perhaps, the single most beneficial motivator behind the sale of a house privately is the huge saving on the property agent’s commission. Some people have reportedly saved as many as over $25,000, a figure that can easily cover the decorating budget of their new homes. But, pretty much like any job, selling it privately takes work. You will have to forego your leisure time, advertise, deal with nosey buyers, tire kickers and most importantly put up with the emanating emotional burden. By selling it alone, the entire job is wholly upon you, includi...