How to sell a house privately in Auckland New Zealand

  • By admin 20th Oct, 2016
    private house sales How to in Auckland New Zealand

    Private House Selling In Auckland

    Perhaps, the single most beneficial motivator behind the sale of a house privately is the huge saving on the property agent’s commission. Some people have reportedly saved as many as over $25,000, a figure that can easily cover the decorating budget of their new homes. But, pretty much like any job, selling it privately takes work. You will have to forego your leisure time, advertise, deal with nosey buyers, tire kickers and most importantly put up with the emanating emotional burden.
    By selling it alone, the entire job is wholly upon you, including negotiating with all the prospective buyers and sealing the deal. Although there are many private house buyers, you must be well informed about the pros and cons of selling your Auckland house privately.

    Checklist for Selling Your House Privately

    The following is a comprehensive procedure of doing a private home sell in New Zealand.

    Step #1: make it clean and sellable

    Repair all the flaws so that the house appears clean and sellable. You can repaint the walls, remove any clutter, clean the floor and ensure that the doors are working.
    Tidy the entire pantry and the cupboards and make sure that the windows are clean. Do not forget to sweep the pathways and the driveways and weed the garden.
    For any other improvements that may require consent, finalise a Code of Compliance Certificate from the authorities.

    Step #2: value your house

    You can obtain an estimate of your property through:
    1. Your council’s ratings valuation – use it to determine how much your rates bill will be. However, since the ratings are done once in every three years and don’t include chattels, you should dwell much on it as an indicator of the current market rates.
    2. A property valuer’s report – a reliable analysis from a registered valuer, the report is a comprehensive analysis and takes into consideration everything including your property’s inner and outer look, its size and location. Since it sometimes includes all the amenities that are within the area, valuing your house using this report is highly stressed.

    Step #3: set a sale price and advertise

    By now, a property valuer’s report has helped you understand how much your house is worth. However, a simple walk around your locality so that you can know the retailing range of price will utterly help. You will get to know the minimum price that you will be willing to accept and how long you can keep hold of it before selling your house.
    Once that is done, you must advertise so that you can attract potential buyers. Place an ad in the property section of your local daily paper. Do not forget to advertise on the internet as well as on those regular property publications. Ask a friend to tell others about it as you put up sale notices around your location.

    Step #4: find a lawyer and negotiate the price

    A lawyer advises you on legal matters of selling a house privately, helps draw up the sale and purchase agreement and ensures that all the communication with the buyer run smoothly. The attorney will also facilitate the transfer of money and your house’s keys among a host of other important tasks.

    Step #5: Prepare to move out

    Once all the terms have been met, and the buyer can legally assume ownership, you must move out. You may apply for the mortgage discharge if you have one, arrange for the reading of power, water and gas meters, phone number transfer and any other thing that’s of great importance to you. The entire process will end on the settlement date when the lawyer collects the money from the buyer’s attorney.

    If You Want To Sell Us Your Property